Kalleh Portion Cheese

Packaging Design Inspired by Landmarks

People love to know what foods taste like around the world. They often associate other countries with their famous landmarks. This inspired Hasan Yoghar to design the packaging for Kalleh Portion Cheese, combining the texture and quality of the product with iconic landmarks from its country of origin.

A series of new and unique cheeses were introduced to the local market by Kalleh, but consumers were unfamiliar with the tastes and origins of the products. To bridge this gap, the packaging needed to convey a sense of place and quality. Hasan Yoghar achieved this by illustrating famous landmarks on the packages, creating a visual connection between the cheese and its country of origin.

The strength of the design lies in its ability to combine processed cheese with natural cheese, creating a unique and premium product. The packaging reflects this by showcasing a very light localized taste and great quality. The use of landmarks adds a touch of sophistication and cultural significance to the overall design.

The realization of the packaging design involved the use of aluminum foil, which provides excellent barrier properties against light, moisture, and environmental contamination. This ensures the preservation and freshness of the cheese, reducing food waste and offering economic and environmental advantages.

The dimensions of the packaging are as follows: Width 107 mm x Depth 23 mm x Height mm. These specifications were carefully chosen to accommodate the portioned cheese while maintaining a compact and visually appealing design.

Throughout the project, the main challenge was to balance the architectural attributes of the landmarks with the appetizing look of the packaging. Hasan Yoghar successfully managed to simplify the landmarks while retaining their distinctive features, resulting in a design that is both visually appealing and delicious.

The Kalleh Portion Cheese packaging design project started in March 2016 in Tehran and was completed in September 2016. The final design not only showcases the origin of the product but also adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the overall brand image.

This exceptional packaging design was recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in 2018. The award acknowledges designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity and resourcefulness, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. The Kalleh Portion Cheese packaging design contributes to improving the quality of life by providing a unique and visually appealing experience for consumers.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hasan Yoghar
Image Credits: Hasan Yoghar
Project Team Members: Hasan Yoghar
Project Name: Kalleh Portion Cheese
Project Client: Hasan Yoghar

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Kalleh Portion Cheese IMG #5

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